Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Meeting the Magician

Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, al...Image via Wikipedia

As the Fool continues on his journey, after making his leap of faith, the first person he meets is the Magician. This card portrays the Magician in a red cloak standing before a table outdoors. On the table are the symbols of the four suits of the Tarot (swords, wands, coins, and cups) which represent the four basic elements of nature (air, fire, earth, and water). Additionally these four elements mirror the four aspects of mankind (mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional).

Above the Magician's head is the symbol for infinity or eternity. His right hand holds a baton aloft (sometimes seen as a two-ended candle) and points his left hand to the ground, genuflecting the axiom "as above, so below."

The Magician is sometimes called the Mage or Magus, and he does indeed bring some wonderful gifts.

The Magician's message to the Fool is two-fold. First, he lets the Fool know that he has everything he needs to accomplish his journey through the combination of his mind, spirit, body, and heart. Secondly, the Magician reveals the bridge between Heaven and Earth by illustrating that all things done on the spiritual plane are manifested in the physical plane.

For each of us, as we take our own journeys, we must remember and be aware of the tools we have at our disposal. Our minds allow us to conceive of new plans and goals. Our spirits urge us on toward greater ambitions. Our bodies provide us with movement and conduits for our energies. And our hearts help us to share our journeys with those we meet along the way.

And let us not forget as we travel on our paths that the seeds we sow in heaven are made manifest in our lives. Be it the law of cause and effect or the law of karma or the law of attraction, there is profound truth in the idea that what we sow we shall also reap. Let us sow good seeds as we plant our magic beans, and may their growth carry us onward toward the realization of our dreams.

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