Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ethical Markets Media

As we come out of this slump in the economy, which I hear we are on our way, wouldn’t you like to do things the right way? Wouldn’t you like your money to go to something other than companies that are only going to cause more woe for the planet and its inhabitants? Consider SRI’s (Socially Responsible Investing).

My wife introduced me to a new website (she introduces me to most new websites) that specializes in educating people on socially responsible investing. It’s called Ethical Market Media. It’s truly outstanding and offers a wealth of information through articles, video, audio, and more.

According to the website, “ provides news and perspective on socially responsible investing, global corporate citizenship and LOHAS through reports, articles, newsletters and video gathered from around the world with analysis by our editor-in-chief, Hazel Henderson.”

So do yourself and the rest of the world a favor, when you consider investing, consider investing in the planet.


  1. If you are interested in socially responsible investing (SRI), you might want to go to my site. It's one of the most popular SRI sites and uniquely covers the latest related global news and research as well. It's at

    Best wishes, Ron Robins

  2. I'm searching for different websites with SRI content. is one of the better ones. Thanks! :-)

    Lars Knudsen
