Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A letter to Vern Buchanan

After receiving a campaign letter from my Vern Buchanan this morning, I decided to let my congressional representative know how I felt about his asking me for money while deriding half of the population. His letter follows mine.

Dear Mr. Buchanan,

            Please cease and desist from making the assumption that just because someone is signed up for your newsletter they must automatically be a financial supporter. You are my representative. I am not your cash cow. While I truly appreciate your polls to find out what your constituents think, I do take offense in your using this list as your rallying call to a battle you were not hired to fight.

            Regarding the first point of your most recent email, it is of no concern to me that your campaign is "attacked" by the Left. You were not hired to campaign. You were hired to serve your country and your constituents, many of whom are the so-called liberals you are herding into your list of enemies. Though I seek to do you no harm, my conscience and ideology would probably place me among their ranks.

            We are not your enemies, Mr. Buchanan. We are your employers and we are your constituents. We would truly appreciate it if you would endeavor to put your country before your party during the next year of your service. Many of our policies are in dire need of radical change. Please at least devote a fraction of your day to opening your mind to the possibility that our country, all of us, might benefit from some improvements in our policies.

            Regarding your second point, I completely understand your need to marginalize the population to serve the two party system, but please try not to misrepresent those you have chosen to embattle. It is bad enough that we have Rush Limbaugh and Fox New out there distorting facts, we do not need it from you as well. From you, we cherish honesty and integrity.

            Democrats, liberals, and the Left want a balanced budget too. President Obama has fewer special advisors than President Bush had. Let them do their jobs so you can focus on yours. In lieu of more and more scientists, even conservative ones, acknowledging that human activity is having an impact on our global environment, putting a cap on such activity to TRADE for a cleaner planet is not something that should be stopped, but addressed wisely and judiciously. And you and I both know that our health care system needs reform so that the citizens of the wealthiest nation on the planet do not go bankrupt from illness.

            Understand that I am registered as an independent, unaffiliated voter. I do not represent the Democratic party and am not a part of any special interest group. I am simply one of the many Americans who, though he may disagree with many of your policy choices, will continue to pray for you to serve with wisdom, compassion, and honor.


                                                                                                Steven R. McAllister

September 28, 2009

Thank you! 

I wanted to send along an email to everyone and publicly thank the 176 supporters that made an online donation last week and over the weekend.  You have helped my campaign move closer to our end of September fundraising goal.

Today I am hoping that this last appeal for donations will help put us over the finish line.  I am asking 67 of my supporters to make a donation in whatever amount you can afford today.

You can make a donation here.

Why is donating to my campaign today important?

First, my campaign needs to have the financial wherewithal to defend itself from attacks from the Left.  Special interests and the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in Washington, DC have targeted me since I entered Congress. Their goal is to expand their majority and control over the Congress to help pass their radical agenda. 

My second point is that these very same groups oppose the views you and I hold dear:  lower taxes, balanced budgets, defunding ACORN, making President Obama’s czars accountable, stopping “Cap and TAX” and protecting our health care system from a government takeover.  And because I have been consistently representing these views in the Congress, these groups are determined to settle the score. 

This is my last email to you before our end of September campaign financial report is due.  I am hopeful 67 of my supporters reading this email will make a donation before the midnight Wednesday deadline.

As I have said before, the amount isn’t as important as being able to count on your support.  I want to be able to show these outside groups, national and Florida Democrats that my campaign has broad support.  Please consider making a donation today

On Thursday, October 1st you have my promise to get back to the issues.  You can count on me to use email, my campaign website and video to keep you informed.

As always, I appreciate your taking a moment to read this email. 



Posted via email from Steve's posterous

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